dedicated team

A dynamic, dedicated and knowledgeable team in each Asian country.

Accurate results

The commitment to deliver only accurate and timely results.

quality work

Insightful, honest and comprehensive analysis.


We are a Business Risks Consulting 

Up-to-date intelligence and sound advice for companies venturing into Asia.

For the past 27 years,

ANSASIA has been advising companies on their preventable, strategic and external risk factors in Asia. 

Our network of local and regional experts will provide you with insights, facts, guidance and the support you need.

From due diligence to legal issues, franchising to IP protection, ANSASIA will help your company succeed in a highly competitive and uncertain marketplace.

ANSASIA Expertise

Our focus is Asia; our specialty: Vietnam


Our regional teams have a deep understanding of their country’s business, legal and political environments.

ANSASIA cover a wide range of services which includes:

· Intellectual property market survey/enforcement 

· Due-diligence assignments 

· Employment screening

· FCPA checks

· Asset traces

· Risk analysis

· Crisis management 

We leverage our strengths to oversee business risk consulting assignments & trademark enforcement in  Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, Singapore, China, and other Asian countries.


ANSASIA has over 20 years’ experience in managing projects on behalf of MNCs and legal & financial institutions, market entry in Vietnam.

We have been involved in trade and investment since 1999, assisting foreign companies with entry to Vietnam and helping them gain a strong foothold in the local market.

ANSASIA’s goal is to provide Practising Management Consultant (PMC) help to Singapore companies looking to join the Vietnam market. We can assist you in obtaining Government Grants and bridging the gap in establishing offices in Vietnam. Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is also available to help ease costs.