At ANSASIA, we work closely with our clients to understand business needs, develop a practical focus and build a risk mitigation framework.

We look at long-term solutions to create business success for our clients and minimize future risk exposure. ANSASIA provides independent, proactive, responsive and credible information that goes beyond routine data.


We conduct due diligence and employee screening for both local and international companies. We help companies enter Vietnam and establish themselves.

AnsAsia assisted in the investigation of several employees of a European MNC. Due diligence was conducted on external companies operated by the staff concerned and their relatives. Forensic examination of their laptop computers, coupled with due diligence findings, led to their dismissal.

Investigation of an oil & gas MNC’s marketing department revealed widespread corruption. Staff were found to have set up competing parallel networks of dealers and distributors and indulged in syndicated smuggling of unbranded products.

AnsAsia investigated the Marketing Director of an American MNC for taking kickbacks from company vendors. The subject had been accused of similar offences in previous employment with other MNCs but the claims were never substantiated. Our findings led to his dismissal.

Thailand / cambodia / lao / mayanmar / india

An international client requested our help in tracking how products destined for Cambodia found their way to the Vietnam market. We identified the government parties, fraudulent companies and key individuals involved in the cross-border smuggling activities.

AnsAsia conducted due diligence on a Myanmar JVC to verify that their mining license had been obtained through official channels and was authentic.

A European bank requested due diligence on a Thai brewer and key directors, with particular regard to maintaining operating licenses given the political instability in the country.

singapore / malaysia / indonesia / philippines / brunei

ANSASIA regularly conducts Risk and Compliance reports on vendors in these countries. Checks include searches on companies / shareholdings, local media, legal (civil & criminal), bankruptcy, banking, political affiliations & reputation.

ANSASIA has conducted several due diligence cases on Brunei companies and key personnel in the oil & gas sector. We have also conducted pre-investment due diligence on the directors of a prominent Indonesian luxury car agency with operations in Indonesia, Singapore & Vietnam.

ANSASIA’s founder and CEO was the lead investigator who broke a multi-million dollar syndicated theft of recycled computer chips, leading to the subsequent delisting of a publicly listed company.

Over a 6 month multi-jurisdictional investigation, ANSASIA CEO identified the Indonesian dealers involved in parallel export activities in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. This led to termination of the distribution agreement and dismissal of the employees involved in the illegal transactions.

china / hong kong / mongolia / japan / south korean

ANSASIA have conducted source commentary and available litigation/regulatory checks in South Korea for client regarding subject’s practices and ethics (UK Bribery Act and US FCPA)

Conduct due diligence to identify Chinese subject / company based in Hong Kong / Shanghai who is suspected to be linked to State-owned company in PRC. Client has been directed by their customer to make commission payment (FCPA issue) to unknown subject in business transaction.

Conducted employment screening South Korea for an American Korean-born subject who will be employed as the country CEO for an American based company.